Joe Parks: Strawberry Canyon
KAP Cris: Bush Past Prime revisited
linden.g: Moth in flight
linden.g: Ladybird
alan_sailer: Fort Celery
linden.g: Ladybird
josefrancisco.salgado: The VLT at Night [video]
Orrin: surveil
metroblossom: Meeting in the Parking Lot
rustyjaw: crane-o-rama
rustyjaw: networking
alan_sailer: Twirly Water
alan_sailer: Splash
alan_sailer: Fractal Balls
alan_sailer: Splitting A Bullet
linden.g: Wasp with food
Penelope's Loom: Mother and Child
Prozac74: Yin Yang (alternative Version)
niknokniknoknik: Yoga above the clouds
e³°°°: the wings-become-windows butterfly.