Martha SI: Toby in Action
Martha SI: Action Aftermath
Martha SI: Attack of the Hounds
Martha SI: Kate making herself pretty
Martha SI: Ruben and Willie
Martha SI: Ruben
Martha SI: Willie
Martha SI: Ruben was not ready for his close up
Martha SI: Willie
Martha SI: Willie taking the step
Martha SI: Willie on top of the world
Martha SI: Willie in the Yard
Martha SI: Toby and Ruben
Martha SI: Toby
Martha SI: Toby
Martha SI: Toby
Martha SI: Ruben and Toby on the Deck
Martha SI: Toby on the Deck
Martha SI: Toby
Martha SI: Sleepy Ruben
Martha SI: Haley 15 weeks
Martha SI: Haley, just relaxing
Martha SI: He only had one expression and this was it
Martha SI: IMG_5994
Martha SI: Toby and the puppies
Martha SI: Dylan Sleeping - the only time he's not causing trouble
Martha SI: Toby and Dylan
Martha SI: Dylan and Haley
Martha SI: Kate has found a comfy spot
Martha SI: IMG_3482