Martha SI: Beagle Mix
Martha SI: Waterfall
Martha SI: Cool Spring Overlook
Martha SI: Cool Spring Overlook
Martha SI: We made a friend on trail
Martha SI: GEDC0208
Martha SI: GEDC0207
Martha SI: GEDC0206
Martha SI: Super(wo)man
Martha SI: Gahuti Trail
Martha SI: Technology on trail
Martha SI: GEDC0201
Martha SI: GEDC0200
Martha SI: Dana just hanging around
Martha SI: Pull-ups on the Gahuti
Martha SI: Gahuti Trail
Martha SI: Laura and Dana at the Overlook
Martha SI: Dana and Liz at the Overlook
Martha SI: Geez I'm just taking your picture
Martha SI: Happy to be finished
Martha SI: He's loving it
Martha SI: Are we there yet?
Martha SI: Ready to go!
Martha SI: Cousin Darby enjoying a traditional TDay
Martha SI: No idea why there was a gorilla on course
Martha SI: GEDC0751
Martha SI: GEDC0750
Martha SI: No idea what the next four hours holds
Martha SI: Untitled5
Martha SI: Finally!!