Joelene Mills Photographer: Getting rid of all the sweets in the house.... Sugar comma here we come!!
Joelene Mills Photographer: Fresh orange and grape fruit juice! Good morning!!!
Joelene Mills Photographer: Happy that bath time is OVER!!
Joelene Mills Photographer: Buy first, dinner!
Joelene Mills Photographer: I beehive that it should be required, by law, that every home have a bread maker or personal baker. #justsayin
Joelene Mills Photographer: Packing day tomorrow!!! awesome people are going to get some awesome stuffs!!!!
Joelene Mills Photographer: I understand two things here... That's about it......
Joelene Mills Photographer: That's one way to prevent people from using the vending machine at your 6find raiser!
Joelene Mills Photographer: Off to volunteer at the Marching Ghosts Casino night!!
Joelene Mills Photographer: Did you know that if you place a wooden spoon over a bubbling pot, the spoon will prevent it from bubbling over and making a mess? #whodathunk
Joelene Mills Photographer: My first attempt at a Pintrest recipe!!
Joelene Mills Photographer: A real class act in front of me in the drive through this morning.... #societyhasgonedownhill