Marina Marjina: Calligraphy for "The Long Stories Of Perm" festival.
the Italian voice: Curriculum Vitae
pascale2015: Kenya2012 (23)
Arquitecto Defecto: Chamuquito Playmobil
philos from Athens: Playmobil land in Kifisia
Lelê Breveglieri: Playmobil
Polycart: Carrello per supermercato.
hellolapomme: Mariage CAC-6
Jean-Louis ZIMMERMANN: pyramide Maslow : besoins individuels
Howdy, I'm HMK: Blah Blah Blog...
"Fragments pictosophiques": heteromogeneous idiome resiliAnce . .
"Fragments pictosophiques": le congetture di Arlecchino . . (ubiquiting on Möbius edges)
Môsieur J. [version 9.1]: Dad have worn shoes, me: white
foshie: Couple on the beach
DerrickT: We speak as others (or, if I could cover my face with one finger)
DerrickT: Ebullient Eye-opener Inside of A Jagged Ladder's Cerebellum
burgermac: clé voiture
Marcin Moga: Gift :D
fdecomite: Tunnels of Time
gadl: Time Spiral
Xenïa Antunes: Girl on the phone
Sunset Sailor: Blue chips
doozzle: "Nature morte à l'émeraude"
podgeorge: Church HDR
Nigritelle: P1000065
Depression Press: Black Text
:nike: Berthold DSCF0734
petervanallen: Icarus undone
petervanallen: 1983... (a merman I should turn to be)