Tofu8500: Protective color Weimaraner "Neu"
yoyoyossy: P1000365
saigyokensetsu: terminus
Shinya Arimoto: ariphoto2014_2_20
Shinya Arimoto: ariphoto2014_2_18
kozyndan: milipede
flymola: Covered #3/3
*♨*: っ草っ原っ 猫っ
*♨*: Birth of 26planets and 4black holes
Shinya Arimoto: ariphoto2014_2_06
yoyoyossy: IMGP4848
tenugui: 山梨文化会館と丹下健三展 館内ツアー
*♨*: 2014-10-30 11.39.40
*♨*: 2014-10-31 12.14.27
tenugui: _IGP7911.jpg
beeldmark: Lake Usori
van*yuen: People's Power
afreakm: SDIM0073
milov: Ganzenmarkt Tunnel, Trajectum Lumen, Utrecht [Ricoh GR]
A Million Shards of Light: Solo Camping 8/14 -- Beautiful Wall Art in Secluded Lean-To
Kira Pichano: Caucasian dolmen
Legraoully: FC Metz 2014-2015
potopoto53age: Monochrome day...1 (Apple iPhone 5)
tenugui: 岡島の屋上(過疎地)。
Duree: Playtime
flymola: Sight 2014/04/13