davidsilver: siena-as-cat for halloween
davidsilver: first day of kindergarten
davidsilver: last day of preschool
davidsilver: siena and the always awesome mary madden belting out "let it go" down the streets of berkeley
davidsilver: siena picking sun golds
swashcam: kid with corn
davidsilver: first tooth gone
davidsilver: the birthday girl
davidsilver: siena meets hudson
swashcam: turns out when you stand on a street with a very large dog, people notice
swashcam: munching the garden
davidsilver: free stuff now
davidsilver: happy mother's day sarah i love you
davidsilver: passover seder
swashcam: IMAG0825
swashcam: tiny ballerinas
davidsilver: siena's first ballet class
davidsilver: good eats at saul's
davidsilver: the flower girl
davidsilver: the soon-to-be newlyweds
davidsilver: christmas tree
davidsilver: siena and her new bike
davidsilver: me and my inexplicable kid 'n play haircut, los angeles, 1992
David Lebovitz: strawberry sorbet
swashcam: woohooo!
davidsilver: siena making matzo brei
swashcam: giant cat and the whip
swashcam: checking out her sweet shades
swashcam: enjoying the last day with ame
swashcam: just the three of us