amys_flickrama: Talk to the hand cause the face don't care.
amys_flickrama: One...two...cha cha cha
amys_flickrama: Maureen...or should we call her Samantha?
amys_flickrama: Boyz in the Kitchen...and Kintea too
amys_flickrama: It's a ho down!
amys_flickrama: Alex flocked by ladies
amys_flickrama: Dance party
amys_flickrama: Dance party
amys_flickrama: Jesse, Renee & Brandon
amys_flickrama: The blur of the bar
amys_flickrama: In full swing
amys_flickrama: Hmmmm....I dont know these people so I will call them Steve & Shelly
amys_flickrama: Alex and Kintea kiss and make up
amys_flickrama: Hmmmm....I dont know these people so I will call them Ted & Sue
amys_flickrama: Cheryl and her hot red shoes
amys_flickrama: Civilized conversation around the coffee table?
amys_flickrama: Civilized conversation by the fireplace?
amys_flickrama: Up to no good
amys_flickrama: Hannah & Sue
amys_flickrama: Maux & Kintea
amys_flickrama: Brandon and the ladies
amys_flickrama: Amy talking nonsense
amys_flickrama: Maux, Kintea and Kelly
amys_flickrama: The friendly masses
amys_flickrama: Thumbs up, Renee!
amys_flickrama: Say what!
amys_flickrama: Karen...where am I? Who am I? Who is he?
amys_flickrama: Frank and Brandon
amys_flickrama: Gabi, Mike & Jill