astrothad: The Crab Nebula (M1) from 2021-11-26
astrothad: The Crab Nebula and asteroid 2015 TB 145
astrothad: Globular Cluster M2 in Aquarius
astrothad: Globular cluster, M3, in Canes Venatici
astrothad: M4 partial mosaic
astrothad: Antares (α Sco), M4, and surrounding area
astrothad: Globular cluster M5 in Serpens
astrothad: M6, star cluster in Scorpius (narrowband)
astrothad: Core of the Ptolemy Cluster (M7)
astrothad: M6 and M7 region in the Tail of Scorpius
astrothad: The Lagoon Nebula (M8) in bi-color narrowband
astrothad: Lagoon Nebula (M8) - greyscale version from PixInsight
astrothad: The Lagoon (M8) and Trifid (M20) Nebulae mosaic
astrothad: Globular cluster M9
astrothad: Globular cluster M10
astrothad: The Wild Duck Cluster, M11 (NGC 6705)
astrothad: Globular cluster M12
astrothad: M13 (NGC 6205) - The Great Globular Cluster in Hercules
astrothad: Globular cluster M14
astrothad: M15 - Globular cluster in Pegasus
astrothad: The Eagle Nebula (M16) in RGBHα
astrothad: M17 (emission nebula in Sagittarius) in narrowband
astrothad: M17 - greyscale version from PixInsight
astrothad: Open cluster M18
astrothad: Globular cluster M19
astrothad: M20, The Trifid Nebula
astrothad: The Trifid Nebula (M20) and open cluster M21
astrothad: Globular Cluster M22 in Sagittarius
astrothad: Open cluster M23 in Sagittarius
astrothad: M24 (Small Sagittarius Star Cloud) region