Astrotel: Venus Transit - 1st Contact
Astrotel: Venus Transit - 2nd Contact
Astrotel: Venus Transit - 1 hour
Astrotel: Venus Transit - 2 hours
Astrotel: Venus Transit - 3 Hours
Astrotel: Venus Transit - 4.5 Hours
Astrotel: Triangulum Galaxy, M33 with Ha added to RGB image
Astrotel: M 101, Pinwheel Galaxy with Supernova
Astrotel: Triangulum Galaxy, M33
Astrotel: Fireworks Galaxy, NGC6946
Astrotel: Sephan's Quintet, 7331 and Friends
Astrotel: Comet Garradd and M71
Astrotel: Helix Nebula, NGC7293
Astrotel: The Lagoon, M8 and Trifid, M20 Nebulas
Astrotel: Cocoon Nebula, IC5146
Astrotel: Iris Nebula, NGC7023
Astrotel: M17, the Swan Nebula
Astrotel: M51, Whirlpool Galaxy with Super Nova
Astrotel: IC1396, Elephant Trunk Nebula in Ha
Astrotel: NGC7000, The North American Nebula
Astrotel: M20, The Trifid Nebula
Astrotel: M16, The Eagle Nebula in Hydrogen Alpha
Astrotel: M16, the Eagle Nebula
Astrotel: New Moon, 27:35 hours old
Astrotel: PS_CombineFilesAvg_L1_DDmonoC_filtered
Astrotel: Horsehead Nebula, B33 - Color enhanced with Ha
Astrotel: Horsehead Nebula, B33 in Hydrogen Alpha
Astrotel: NGC 281, The Pacman Nebula in LRGB
Astrotel: NGC281,The Pacman Nebula in Ha
Astrotel: NGC281, The Pacman Nebula in Color