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albums of AstroSocSA
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2024 ASSA Astrophotography Competition
Big 5 of the African Sky Challenge Winners
Coenraad van der Merwe
Big 5 of the African Sky Challenge
Comet C/2021 Leonard
Piet Le Roux
Oleg Toumilovitch
ASSA 2020 Astrophotography Gallery
Yolanda Combrink
Eric Recurt
Tiaan Niemand
Hendrik le Roux
Janco Moolman
Vanessa Mantle
Richard Ford
Nabeel Valli
Astrophotography Competition
Angus Burns
Ockert Jansen van Nieuwenhuizen
Jaco Brink
Zander Horn
Peter Dunsby
Sean O'Connor
Barbara Cunow
Paul Smit
Anton Louw
Karoo Star Party 2016
Cliff Turk
Percy Jacobs
Lucas Ferreira
Chris Forder
Christoph Hohlfeld
Christine Kersting
Dawie Venter
Martin Heigan
Dewald Van Rensburg
Neil Viljoen
John Gill
Chris Vermeulen
Johan Smit
Tim Cooper
Clyde Foster
Neville Young
Mauritz Geyser
Carol Botha
Bob Sim
Michael Moller
Siding Spring
Herman Bonnet
Challenge: Saturn Lunar occultation 10 June 2014
Saturn Lunar occultation of 21/03/2014
Leslie Rose
Dale Liebenberg
Andre Potgieter
Johan Retief
Wim Filmalter
Challenge - Mars and Spica
Paul Smit
Oleg Toumilovitch
Kos Coronaios
Johan Moolman
Brett du Preez
Richard Ford
Nova Cen 2013
Total solar eclipse 3 Nov 2013
ASSA Council meeting (2005 Jan 18)
ASSA AGM (2002)
The Moon occults Spica
AAHS 2005