astronomyguru: Saunf_28032019
astronomyguru: Safe Telescope, Different Eyes
astronomyguru: Archimedes, Autolycus, Aristillus and neighbourhood MAK 180, EOS 550D, Crop 640 iOptron iEQ45-Pro
astronomyguru: Red Vented Bulbul
astronomyguru: Tree Pie
astronomyguru: People watching
astronomyguru: Desert Wheatear
astronomyguru: Celestial Gramophone
astronomyguru: 5 planet alignment
astronomyguru: Mercury and Venus
astronomyguru: The Heart and Soul of Cassiopiea
astronomyguru: Comet Catalina on the the Dawn of Geminds
astronomyguru: The Royal Bengal Tiger
astronomyguru: The Great Planetary Alignment of 2015
astronomyguru: The Lagoon and the Trifiid
astronomyguru: Sunspots on the 4th of July
astronomyguru: The first of the two Full Moons
astronomyguru: Parvati Valley on a moonlit night
astronomyguru: Saturn through a small telescope
astronomyguru: The Milky Sprout and Himalayas
astronomyguru: Neoscona nautica ( A common house spider )
astronomyguru: 4 Day Moon
astronomyguru: Good Morning from the Mountains
astronomyguru: The Sky from Parvati Valley
astronomyguru: I Wonder
astronomyguru: Moontage
astronomyguru: I am from Mars!!!
astronomyguru: It seems, he is not interested
astronomyguru: Wheatfield Sunrise
astronomyguru: Star trails at Annapurna range-Nepal