CatMacBride: stepping up...
horticultural art: 57740.01 Monarda didyma
horticultural art: 57564.01 Raphanus sativus
Manuela Pace: ophelia
denis cherim / > Ξ N I S < H Ξ R I /\ \: "To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction" #Newton .. .. .. #coincidenceproject #syncronicity #afterall #nothingisbeautiful #nothingisugly #go #behind #frames #subjectivelyobjective #minimalzine #noicemag #valtimmermans #oftheafternoon #b
horticultural art: 57483.30 Dicentra eximia
Andrea Russo Paper Art: ﷲ‎, Allāh - kufic calligraphy
Brecht Vandenbroucke *: Walk the line
horticultural art: 57532.01 Asclepias syriaca
possessed2fisheye: 212/366 - cargo
horticultural art: 57407.01 Lamium galeobdolon
Brecht Vandenbroucke *: Let me entertain you
bustbright: Started work on a new series tonight: #flowerpowerbot I like to think of all my #processing sketches and #plotter art as a hippie art commune. The machines are trying to find a human touch in their work.
possessed2fisheye: 175/366 - goggles
CatMacBride: read...
possessed2fisheye: 164/366 - it's for you . . . .