~ geisha ~: I especially like the couple in the bottom taking a flash portrait in front of the Sydney Harbour Bridge :)
~ CarLee Photography ~: Canyonlands Viewpoint
~ geisha ~: eat me...
~ geisha ~: diamonds used to be coal...
brookeshaden: for molly
brookeshaden: circus practice
mickylightpainter: From Kirribilli
brookeshaden: reimagining people
sure2talk: my funny valentine 6/52
~ CarLee Photography ~: But you said the bowtie would make me look distinguished? {5-52}
traumlichtfabrik: "Wherever it may take me, I know that life won't break me, when I come to call she won't forsake me, I'm loving angels instead"
anjur: Green Ball
brookeshaden: reversal of roles
Kristopher Michael: Kiss Me Like You Mean It
~ CarLee Photography ~: Melting Point
sure2talk: ten today! ~ week 2
traumlichtfabrik: "Softly the evening came. The sun from the western horizon Like a magician extended his golden want o'er the landscape; Trinkling vapors arose; and sky and water seemed all on fire at the touch, and melted and mingled together."
~ CarLee Photography ~: Sitting Pretty {1-52}
:: Artie | Photography ::: .:: Photoshop Focus Guide | Front Cover Publication ::.
:: Artie | Photography ::: Buddha in Angkor Wat, Siem Reap, Cambodia :: HDR
Pink Pixel Photography (f.k.a. Sunny): ~Dreaming about being an actress is more exciting than being one~
sure2talk: damselfly & fireflies
sure2talk: little helper (49/52)
:: Artie | Photography ::: God's Left Hand | The Cambodia Sunset :: HDR
:: Artie | Photography ::: Dig Tis! :: HDR