Astera Schneeweisz: Baby Max (defs more photogenic than auntie astera)
Astera Schneeweisz: Quite the exciting start into the day.
Astera Schneeweisz: Halloween Perun
Astera Schneeweisz: S, eavesdropping on all y'all's transatlantic communications
Astera Schneeweisz: A great place to surf on the internet!
Astera Schneeweisz: We have found the internet.
Astera Schneeweisz: This one, I call: Dedication #kbhstreetfood #thewaytotheheartisthroughthestomach
Astera Schneeweisz: That place again! :)
Astera Schneeweisz: So that's that...
Astera Schneeweisz: Doin' da bf's hair. As one should.
Astera Schneeweisz: My colleagues are the bestestest!
Astera Schneeweisz: It's not like I can't bake savory things, but...
Astera Schneeweisz: Architectural tour through the Vitra Campus. Super recommendable.
Astera Schneeweisz: And it was good. #hashtagblueberrypie
Astera Schneeweisz: (Almost) All-American Apple Pie
Astera Schneeweisz: Hellheah blueberry pie of love
Astera Schneeweisz: 365 dage.
Astera Schneeweisz: Ok, the fluffball can stay until my heating is fixed.
Astera Schneeweisz: OMG the pup found his way into bed...
Astera Schneeweisz: Glædelig jul! (not pictured: Americans scared... uh, impressed with real candles on a tree)
Astera Schneeweisz: Doing all the Christmas-y things
Astera Schneeweisz: Totes ready for warhounding
Astera Schneeweisz: Amsterdam being awesome.
Astera Schneeweisz: In case you ever wondered what a working class unicorn looks like...
Astera Schneeweisz: Thanks for all the well wishes! I got to spend my absolutely awesomest 24th b-day to date in Amsterdam with this beautiful lady <3
Astera Schneeweisz: Burn baby burn