AllHarts: Orange-crowned Warbler
AllHarts: Tufted Titmouse
Vicki's Nature: 12 Days of Dragonflies to be Thankful For - #10 Laura's Clubtail
AllHarts: Northern Cardinal, female
AllHarts: Carolina Wren
AllHarts: Harmonia Tigerwing (Tithorea harmonia)
AllHarts: Sanderling
AllHarts: Buckeye (Junonia coenia)
Misty DawnS: To whoever says photography can’t create magic, how else can a storm be captured in a drop? . . . . . #midwestliving #ruralmissouri #midwestisbest #midwestmoment #missourinaturephotographer #monature #missourionly #missourioutdoors #missouriconservation
Photosuze: A squash pollinator
Glenn Bartley - Flame Bowerbird (Sericulus ardens)
Arx Zyanos: supernova
Vicki's Nature: Calico pennant - red female (Celithemis elisa)
Vicki's Nature: Green anole - posing
blindhogmike: Great Blue Heron with Frog DSC_4901
flyfishermike: Blast Off
pieceoflace photography: Snowbirds Pt. 3...
Vicki's Nature: our tiny Brown-headed nuthatch (Sitta pusilla)
Vicki's Nature: Common Wood-Nymph (Cercyonis pegala) - yesterday!
Vicki's Nature: here's looking at you
Vicki's Nature: Sable clubtail (Gomphus rogersi) - lifer!
AnBind: Kleines Wiesenvögelchen auf Spitzwegerich
AnBind: Damrak mit "The Grasshopper"
Dave Blinder: Hibernia Brook in Autumn
AllHarts: Belted Kingfisher
Vicki's Nature: last 24 hours
Photosuze: The subtle colors of a dipper
Dave Blinder: Early Autumn at Van Campen Glen