Ges Rules ♥: { Coffee Man Song }
Ges Rules ♥: "Under my skin"
Ges Rules ♥: "The last cinema"
eyetwist: shuttle carrier aircraft diptych. palmdale, ca. 2014.
eyetwist: obelisk. manzanar, ca. 2014.
David Stenbeck: 2013-04-25_1366870489
mikekallmeyer: MELTING MAN
mikekallmeyer: Sometimes your daughter drops her ice cream cone on the ground and it becomes a piece of art. #whpicecream @instagram
mikekallmeyer: St. Vincent closing out Celebrate Brooklyn 2014 @celebratebklyn #stvincent @st_vincent #x100s
uriurik: IMG_20140319_164553
tviga: day
tviga: day
tviga: day
Juan_Patiño: Galería de arte
tel est Marc: le refuge
dug_da_bug: okuda
Guy Briselden: gb - image - 0160
Guy Briselden: Burning oil well Kuwait 1991
Guy Briselden: Burning oil well Kuwait 1991
Guy Briselden: Burning Oil Well - Kuwait 1991
Guy Briselden: Destroyed Iraqi AFV - Gulf War 1991
Guy Briselden: Burning oil wells Kuwait 1991
Guy Briselden: Gulf War 1991