asiapics2008: Cards at Wan Pen's
asiapics2008: Wan Pen.
asiapics2008: the food table
asiapics2008: Cutie Pie
asiapics2008: Mr. Hay and Colin
asiapics2008: Chris, Justin, and Grant.
asiapics2008: Josh, Amelia, and Bryce.
asiapics2008: Human playground
asiapics2008: Circus training.
asiapics2008: the local school
asiapics2008: Jessica and the family
asiapics2008: Josh and the family
asiapics2008: Mae Way
asiapics2008: weaving.
asiapics2008: Church.
asiapics2008: Dane at the Dam
asiapics2008: Chelsey the school teacher
asiapics2008: Learning to juggle
asiapics2008: performance of gratitude
asiapics2008: Jessica and Saw Tha Wah
asiapics2008: Ekla Tu and Tha Wah
asiapics2008: Bus ride
asiapics2008: Horse and buggy
asiapics2008: Night on the ghats
asiapics2008: Jairampur
asiapics2008: the photojournalist.
asiapics2008: Photograph my son
asiapics2008: the banyan tree