oric1sg: Sunrise at Mt Bromo
hueymilunz: sunrise reflection
jmbrooks14: Summertime Fine
Daniel Lenhardt: Sonnenuntergang
ben_wtrs79: Warwickshire
Mark Esguerra: Fragments of reality
Miguel Marcos: Blue Lagoon
Jón Óskar.: Blue Lagoon
skarpi - www.skarpi.is: Reykjavik - The Capital City - Iceland
bsmethers: Iceland
ndgcatlady: Determination
DonnaRead50: Christmas Downtown Seattle 2014
Yuri Figuenick https://www.instagram.com/yurifigue: The more you can dream, the more you can do. -Michael Korda.
monchoparis: Hallgrímskirkja vault, Reykjavík
DonnaRead50: Thanksgiving Day Shoot - Jurasic Cranes
gelomalig: Beauty without people
gelomalig: Getting Ready
Yuri Figuenick https://www.instagram.com/yurifigue: Tea is a religion of the art of life. -Kakuzo Okakura.
flyppsr: it's all about the spices
Felix Cutillo: Shanghai