ashley.vosper: This old gun has been modified for use today to hunt Bonobos and monkeys
ashley.vosper: A forest pig being bought back to Katopa
ashley.vosper: Bonobo head in the village of Ngoma Myula
ashley.vosper: Male Bonobo head killed on 2nd June 2008
ashley.vosper: The hads of the dead bonobo male
ashley.vosper: A piece of the Bonobo smoked for the market in Kindu
ashley.vosper: The head of a dead Ngoyi
ashley.vosper: A dead Ngoyi
ashley.vosper: 4 dead monkeys killed by a calibre 12 shotgun
ashley.vosper: Chantal (left) and Charly with some of the gardens produce here in Obenge
ashley.vosper: Major Ranger and his pregnant wife not sure what will happen to her now
ashley.vosper: Mama chef (of Obenge) with Major John on her left and the other military
ashley.vosper: As the military point out public enemy number one is captured and will not be a threat anymore along with Kihindo (TL2) confirming this
ashley.vosper: No escape for Major Ranger now
ashley.vosper: TL2 and the military here in Obenge
ashley.vosper: We are hoping these beautiful pigs will breed like crazy to help reduce the dependence on bushmeat in Obenge
ashley.vosper: Sadly a fungus destroyed much of the tomatoe crop but we will find a way around this
ashley.vosper: Lambert surveying the cabbages that will help finance the school here in Obenge
ashley.vosper: Lambert and I surveying the green peppers which are coming along nicely
ashley.vosper: Some women preparing pondu for the military in Obenge in TL2s kitchen
ashley.vosper: Women dancing to welcome Ashley back
ashley.vosper: The TL2 team with t-shirts very generously designed and donated by Colleen in New York a big thank you
ashley.vosper: Major John (red berret hands in pockets) with some of his elite troops for Opala
ashley.vosper: P2040309
ashley.vosper: Some of the soldiers being sent to Opala lining up for inspection
ashley.vosper: Major John (red berret hand on hips) in the earl;y morning fog lining up his troops
ashley.vosper: P2040306
ashley.vosper: Major John (red berret far left) with some of his troops for Opala
ashley.vosper: This is bushmeat at the market in Kisangani and comes from many different places including the forest south of Kisangani
ashley.vosper: In the foreground is fresh bushmeat and is monkey that would have been caught just a day or 2 before