Ashley Hauck: Southern-California-Oil-Rigs-27.jpg
Ashley Hauck: Southern-California-Oil-Rigs-26-2.jpg
Ashley Hauck: Southern-California-Oil-Rigs-26.jpg
Ashley Hauck: Hermissenda crassicornis Nudibranch
Ashley Hauck: Hermissenda crassicornis Nudibranch
Ashley Hauck: Hermissenda crassicornis Nudibranch
Ashley Hauck: Diamondback Tritonia Nudibranch
Ashley Hauck: Doriopsilla albopunctata Nudibranch
Ashley Hauck: untitled-207-Edit.jpg
Ashley Hauck: San Diego Dorid (Diaulula sandiegensis) Nudibranch
Ashley Hauck: Diamondback Tritonia Nudibranch
Ashley Hauck: Spanish Shawl Nudibranch
Ashley Hauck: Outside the Tunnel, Missile Tower
Ashley Hauck: Spanish Shawl Nudibranch
Ashley Hauck: Spanish Shawl Nudibranch
Ashley Hauck: Giant Kelp
Ashley Hauck: untitled-65-Edit.jpg
Ashley Hauck: Outside the Tunnel, Missile Tower
Ashley Hauck: Spanish Shawl Nudibranch
Ashley Hauck: Metridium on the Missile Tower
Ashley Hauck: untitled-46-Edit.jpg
Ashley Hauck: Hermissenda crassicornis Nudibranch
Ashley Hauck: Metridium on the Missile Tower
Ashley Hauck: _MG_9749-Edit.jpg
Ashley Hauck: Metridium on the Missile Tower
Ashley Hauck: _MG_9739-Edit.jpg
Ashley Hauck: Metridium on the Missile Tower
Ashley Hauck: _MG_9735-Edit.jpg
Ashley Hauck: Fried Egg Jellyfish
Ashley Hauck: Metridium on the Missile Tower