LeiV Photo: Sunbath Piano
LeiV Photo: Commedia dell'arte
Foto-Runner: DSC_1781-HDR
Foto-Runner: DSC_1766-HDR
Vancolen Photography: Magical forest !
Cyrnic †: Cadaverously Quaint
Maestro-Photography: Magic lantern 2.0
LeiV Photo: Condominium I
LeiV Photo: Condominium II
LeiV Photo: Réunion De Famille
Oreste Ore Messina: Se disobbedisci alle regole della prigione, ti mandano da noi
Maestro-Photography: Rock the stage
Maestro-Photography: Bathing in Decay
Oreste Ore Messina: sacred balcony
Oreste Ore Messina: Pagamenti Filomena...
Maestro-Photography: Hammers and Sickles
Maestro-Photography: Bathing in Decay 2
Oreste Ore Messina: Is everyone in?
Vancolen Photography: Hunters Hotel
Maestro-Photography: Pillow fight out of control ?
Oreste Ore Messina: Vigilate dunque, perché non sapete quando il padrone della casa arriverà.
Maestro-Photography: Water temperature would have been perfect
Maestro-Photography: Broken down or falling apart...