peggyhr: Our snowy -29C night arrival at Bluebird Estates (+4)
peggyhr: Good Morning from Bluebird Estates! (+4)
peggyhr: The pleasures of winter (+4)
peggyhr: A setting Full Moon early morning series (-30C)
peggyhr: Happy Fence Friday!
peggyhr: Where science and photography intersect (+5)
peggyhr: Iridescent frozen soap bubble (+7)
peggyhr: Cold comfort: Happy Bench Monday!
peggyhr: Morning glory on Bluebird Estates
peggyhr: Winter family fun on Bluebird Estates: a series
peggyhr: Hello from frosty Bluebird Estates!
peggyhr: Even a deflated and shrivelled pumpkin after the ravages of winter weather can be beautiful
peggyhr: Spring is slowly coming to Bluebird Estates
peggyhr: A pair of Canada Geese claim their new family site...
peggyhr: A late winter texture series (+8)
peggyhr: Happy Bench Monday!
peggyhr: Canada Geese waiting for the arrival of spring
peggyhr: Tansy shadows in fresh snow
peggyhr: Happy Fence Friday!
peggyhr: Do you see her face:-))
peggyhr: Wishing you a Happy Sunday!
peggyhr: Northern Shoveler (Anas clypeata) on Bluebird Estates
peggyhr: HBM from Bluebird Estates!
peggyhr: The waiting game (+3)
peggyhr: Magical light (+2)
peggyhr: Two friends: A Male Blue-winged Teal and a Mallard Drake
peggyhr: A Happy Fence Friday Sunset!
peggyhr: Almost summertime here on Bluebird Estates
peggyhr: Sepia moon
peggyhr: Proud parents with their new arrivals (+2)