peggyhr: Springtime beauty on Bluebird Estates
peggyhr: A sunny spring day in Alberta
peggyhr: Meet the five newest residents of Bluebird Estates
peggyhr: Letting go ...
peggyhr: Female common goldeneye and her adorable brood of ten
peggyhr: Prelude to sunset: It's all about the light
peggyhr: Burning skies
peggyhr: Squadron of American white pelicans (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos) in flight over Bluebird Estates
peggyhr: Springtime reflections
peggyhr: Pano: Reflections from across the lake on Bluebird Estates
peggyhr: Pano: The sun suddenly reappears and makes a dramatic farewell for yet another day.
peggyhr: A diligent provider
peggyhr: Floating sunset clouds
peggyhr: For my sister, Judy ...
peggyhr: The hungry visitor
peggyhr: The American white pelican (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos)
peggyhr: A different kind of sunset shot
peggyhr: A handsome male Common Goldeneye ( Bucephala clangula)
peggyhr: A dreamy end to the day
peggyhr: Wishing you all a wonderful summer!
peggyhr: Pano: Summer serenity
peggyhr: Water Art: Reflections
peggyhr: Cedar Waxwing
peggyhr: Water Art: "Abstract" water colours distorted by our growing resident Canada Goose family
peggyhr: Summer dream reflections
peggyhr: Water Art: The red umbrella
peggyhr: After the sprinkler was turned off
peggyhr: Blazing end to the day
peggyhr: Pano: Blue hour with moon
peggyhr: Pretty pumpkin flowers