ChiaLynn: Guess what I just did? #voted
ChiaLynn: Good morning, Ashland.
ChiaLynn: TFW you share an elevator with a tiki and then it follows you home.
ChiaLynn: View from the Monument
ChiaLynn: This was worth getting up early for
ChiaLynn: Morning in Salem
ChiaLynn: More early morning in Salem
ChiaLynn: Tide's out
ChiaLynn: Panorama of the Marblehead Causeway
ChiaLynn: Two Very Good Dogs in Marblehead
ChiaLynn: Morning across the water
ChiaLynn: Salem Maritime Historic Site
ChiaLynn: Obligatory finish line selfie
ChiaLynn: A Very Good Dog at Salem Willows Park
ChiaLynn: The only thing I wanted more than *not* to walk down these stairs was to get my feet into that cold water
ChiaLynn: Panorama of Ram's Horn Channel, where I waded out until the water was up past my thighs and enjoyed the scent of skunk wafting through the crisp autumnal air
ChiaLynn: "Please keep feet of the walls."
ChiaLynn: I said, "Boston, do you know how much I've missed you?" And Boston shrugged and said, "Yeah."
ChiaLynn: Not sure if this was evidence of a tantrum, or a sudden change of interest. (I moved them off the sidewalk, lest they trip residents of the assisted-living facility up the street.)
ChiaLynn: Bowie in Lobby 7
ChiaLynn: T-rex + roses.
ChiaLynn: Cormorants overseeing the reconstruction of the Longfellow Bridge.
ChiaLynn: Poppy. #ravelry
ChiaLynn: Abraxan horses with single malt. (Or, my first attempt at origami in yeeeears.) #ravelry #nofilter
ChiaLynn: Reader's Cozy. #ravelry #nofilter
ChiaLynn: Caireen. #ravelry
ChiaLynn: Skoodlet. #ravelry #nofilter
ChiaLynn: And should you ever find yourself in Woburn (for jury duty, say), Marco's Italian Cold Cuts makes a very fine lunch.
ChiaLynn: Woburn.
ChiaLynn: That's load-bearing grass.