monte stinnett: And so it begins.....
Eric Gofreed: Sittin' On The Rock Of The Bay
Daniel.Dupont: Plectrophane des neiges--Snow Bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis)
PNWheat: “Deep In Thought”
Daniel.Dupont: Sizerin flammé mâle--Common Redpoll male (Acanthis flammea) (IN EXPLORE no-55)
PETEJLB: Common Redstart
Hockey.Lover: Baltimore Oriole
mandokid1: Eastern Meadowlark.
Simon Théberge: Paruline obscure / Tennessee warbler
Fpoitras: Grand harle / Common Merganser
Bernard Ruelle: Gomphe joli (Gomphus pulchellus)
Bernard Ruelle: Agrion élégant (Ischnura elegans) ♂
Markus Wallmann: Rüsselkäfer
Alone again. Naturally.: Dasysyrphus albostriatus (female cleaning with head rotated)
phil winter: Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes)
PETEJLB: Common Buzzard
Earl Reinink: I will sing for you..
Johann 50: SAM_0639
jean-michel13: paruline jaune
Daniel.Dupont: Paruline du Canada--Canada Warbler (Cardellina canadensis)
Maxime Légaré-Vézina: Racoon - Raton laveur - Procyon lotor
Summerside90: Black-capped Chickadee
Earl Reinink: I will pounce on you..
AchimOWL: Schwarzspecht (Dryocopus martius) Männchen
Bernard Ruelle: Petite nymphe au corps de feu (Pyrrhosoma nymphula) ♂
Alone again. Naturally.: Myopa hirsuta (Conopidae) mating pair - record verified
Sylvain Prince: Vison d'Amérique / American mink
Sammyboy77: Roitelet à couronne dorée / Golden-crowned kinglet
sylvain.messier: Petit-duc maculé | Île-des-Soeurs | Arrondissement Verdun | Montréal [Explore | 2020-04-11 | M14]
Sammyboy77: Sterne Pierregarin / Common tern