yooperann: Along the Lake Superior shore
DAN GAKEN IMAGES: Alma College Native American Heritage Month Celebration
DAN GAKEN IMAGES: Alma College Native American Heritage Month Celebration
jgagnon63@yahoo.com: IMG_0867 fall color in the South Escanaba
Gary Nemcosky: Along the New Bern Waterfront
cohodas208c: The last of the tower
cohodas208c: Interior of Camp Coffee
cohodas208c: View from Baraga County Courthouse over the Bay
cohodas208c: Baraga County Courthouse, L'Anse MI (1885)
cohodas208c: Stairway to Paradise
cohodas208c: Your Grandparents couldn't vote. . .
Megs svg: Circle of life
Christy Hibsch: Pelican sunset (In Explore)
Martin J. Hogan: Bush Bay Trail ~ Narnia Trail
yooperann: Western Fox Snake
Stylurus: Ringed Boghaunter - Williamsonia lintneri
daveumich: Lilypad Clubtail (Arigomphus furcifer) Dragonfly - Male
daveumich: Lilypad Clubtail (Arigomphus furcifer) Dragonfly - Male
daveumich: Dusky Clubtail (Phanogomphus spicatus) Dragonfly - Male
Martin J. Hogan: Miners Falls
yooperann: Marquette cathedral in the snow
yooperann: Sunlit path
Blondieyooper: March ice
James St. John: Amygdaloidal basalt (Portage Lake Volcanic Series, upper Mesoproterozoic, ~1.095-1.096 Ga; old quarry north of South Range, Upper Peninsula of Michigan, USA)
Life Imitates Doodles: Zuul Crurivastator
Flint Foto Factory: Horsing Around