Lady K*: CMY Yay! A pic from a studio in the #yeg Ortona Armories.
Lady K*: When driving by giant trucks packed with giant spindles, do you imagine the Hollywood epic movie sequence? #scarybrain
Lady K*: From last week. All the leaves fell off in 3 days. Guess it's autumn. #toofastseasons
Lady K*: Thunderstorm rolling into #yql. Dramatic cloudscape.
Lady K*: Sitting in the Reeves College seats watching the ball game with mom. #yql #boysofsummer #TheBulls
Lady K*: At the Lethbridge Bulls game with my mom. Mascot getting down with the YMCA. #yql #boysofsummer
Lady K*: Barbie doll leggings make me think of Meryn Cadell. #drunkensailor #yql
Lady K*: My hair is doing all sorts of weird things in Halifax.
Lady K*: Things you see at a media arts conference. #imaa2014
Lady K*: Community Engagement Panel. #imaa2014
Lady K*: Community Engagement panel. #imaa2014
Lady K*: Canada council discussion. #imaa2014
Lady K*: Standing Wave panel. #imaa2014
Lady K*: Ground Swell. Our first panel at the National Media Arts Summit. #imaa2014
Lady K*: To get to the rooftop patio we had to go up three flights of stairs, through a parking garage, a time portal to the 80's and another flight of stairs. #maritiming
Lady K*: Hello, so nice to meet you. I hope you like living in my belly. #maritiming
Lady K*: Nicola's birthday in Halifax!
Lady K*: Delegates listening to David Hoffos at the National Media Arts Summit in Halifax. #imaa2014
Lady K*: David Hoffos speaks about change, making and community. #imaa2014
Lady K*: Who wants a custom puppet? Me. #maritiming
Lady K*: Funky old cemetery in Halifax. A prime minister is buried here. #maritiming
Lady K*: Go home lamppost, you're drunk. #imaa2014 #maritiming
Lady K*: I don't know if I should say... #maritiming
Lady K*: Neptune Theatre in Halifax. That's right - media artists are a force of nature. #imaa2014 #maritiming
Lady K*: Hark a Vagrant! Is a great web comic and in Halifax it is also a mural. #imaa2014 #maritiming
Lady K*: Beginning flight preparations. I have donned the tinfoil hat. #imaa2014 #halifaxbound
Lady K*: Yarn Bombing - red scarf
Lady K*: Forget me (k)nots
Lady K*: DSC03346
Lady K*: DSC03345