kitch: Sony Voigtlander
Patrick Ng: Harmony & Alex - wedding invitation
anneso_cachemireetsoie: Monday afternoon
Astroman Tse Photography & Visual: E-P1 with Leitz Summicron 2/35mm ( 8 Element )
cliffpatte: E-P1 Noctilux and OM4ti
tetsu.sawamura: E-P1 with Summicron-M 35mmF2 RF
hhdoan: Olympus e-p1 and om-1 side by side
hhdoan: Olympus e-p1 and om-1 side by side
Jeambo: 1-DSC_0497
Jeambo: 1-DSC_0524
black_eyes: [ Amour vague ] PHOTO EXHIBITION
black_eyes: Confiance [Amour vague]
Automatt: Duality