Foxy Belle: Melancholy mood
sozzielou: Camp Blythe (BCUK PHOTO CONTEST ENTRY)
CooperSky: Goucho 1973 and 1975
air_dan: Alb
Du Didier: Poppy circa 1920
Melacacia ☽: Rory and I wish you all a happy fall! πŸ’• πŸπŸ‚ #melacacia #melacaciacustom #melacaciarory #happyfall #autumn #autumnalequinox #fallequinox #blythe #blythedoll #calendula #flowers #tutubella #bigeyes
Melacacia ☽: Rory's trying to fit in with the baby goats 😊 She does have mohair after all and the lamb hat helps a little, but sorry Rory, you still stick out like a sore thumb πŸ˜†
maggimini: Fresh Morning Clodia&Brigitte
CooperSky: Tag game: Spring Coat
CooperSky: 7/? What? No! It can't be.
LovelySpectra: Hana no Michi
Elrenia_Greenleaf: Max and Juno’s new kitchen
MinitΞ±: Go Fishing
maggimini: billy by the river
enigma02211: Made to Move Barbie
lichtspuren: Poppy Parker Keen
air_dan: What are you doing?
CooperSky: Flower Frillies 1969 - 1974 Sindy fashion
Livia_Taylor: Sierra’s home again
Colibry Julia: Watanabe
BblinkK: Country Girls
Colibry Julia: The New face
CooperSky: The first snow of the season.
barbie_in_italy: Kathleen
barbie_in_italy: Coffee time and chattering πŸ˜‰
*anime_fan*: Eight and Nine
Dia 777: Flashback Friday
Foxy Belle: In the forest