Bloque -SSK-: Firewatch is a new video game under development by #CampoSanto a new video game studio based in San Francisco. @ollymoss is actually a part of the team and is doing all of the art work for the game. For more information visit or camposan
Bloque -SSK-: Great way to end my birthday! Ice cream cake, Mario, and socks! Hell yeah! Thank you everybody for the amazing birthday wishes!
Bloque -SSK-: Sharing my birthday with Mr. President.
Bloque -SSK-: Drawing @ollymoss in his Doodle style. #ollymoss
Bloque -SSK-: Heisenberg is here to stay. #breakingbad by the amazing @ollymoss #ollymoss
Bloque -SSK-: Here Comes A New Challenger! #actp #toy #ryu #kidrobot #streetfighter
Bloque -SSK-: New character? What should I name him?
Bloque -SSK-: Don't forget super smash bros tournament tomorrow at 12! Sign ins begin at 11:30. There will be food and drinks. Come show off your skills and hang out with friends. It's going to be awesome! See you there!
Bloque -SSK-: @cokakoah message to us. Hahaha we will miss you at the print center.
Bloque -SSK-: A promotion booklet and box to go with it. Just finished my final project. I am done for the quarter! #dollarshaveclub @dollarshaveclub
Bloque -SSK-: Making some goodies for my final project for this Quarter. It's almost over. #dollarshaveclub
Bloque -SSK-: Got my final ads done for class. #dollarshaveclub @dollarshaveclub
Bloque -SSK-: Sounds about right. Finished my first and only final exam.
Bloque -SSK-: Sticky Business with #Scotch #comic *credit to @thelindalam for coloring
Bloque -SSK-: Shaving time! #movember #bloqueart #stickers
Bloque -SSK-: When ever I see an awesome illustration, this is how I react.
Bloque -SSK-: I can't wait to see them tonight w/ @thelindalam she is the best for getting these! I love you! #blink182
Bloque -SSK-: I love seeing @thelindalam happy when I get her things. #sprinklescupcakes
Bloque -SSK-: Took a picture of Hugo but than Mario decided to kick him in the head.
Bloque -SSK-: My girlfriend is better than yours. @thelindalam got me @ollymoss silhouette book! #excited #ollymoss
Bloque -SSK-: Ummmm Hot Topic printing @ollymoss designs? I wonder if they got anyone's permission?? #ollymoss #starwars #hottopic
Bloque -SSK-: LEMONS! #lemons #megaman
Bloque -SSK-: Last nights brawl tournament was a huge success! congrats to the winners and I hope everyone had an amazing time! #aioc #aibrawl #ssbb
Bloque -SSK-: Almost that time for the Brawl tournament! @ailive
Bloque -SSK-: @thelindalam is the best girlfriend ever! You don't even understand how excited I am :o I love you @thelindalam #blink182
Bloque -SSK-: Are you ready for the first annual Ai Super Smash Bros Tournament! This Friday at Ai's Halloween Casino Night staring at 9pm. Sign up starts at 8pm. Get there quick sign ups are limited! Share the experience with hashtag #ssbtourai
Bloque -SSK-: I draw #bloqueart like 8 feet tall and this person draws this 2 inch thing complying that I'm taking half that wall. I am just taking up 1/4 -_- don't you see all that space open. And I don't care if you draw on my guy that's why I made him so big. #artpr
Bloque -SSK-: Some more random #bloqueart #stickers #bloque
Bloque -SSK-: Some random #sticker #art #bloqueart
Bloque -SSK-: I got the trio #sonic #tails and #knuckles I know you are jealous. @popvinyl