(The) Appleman: 1935 Lincoln Model K V-12 Coupe_Gilmore Shell station
reipa59: Windharfe / Wind harp
(The) Appleman: Mr. Bojangles
(The) Appleman: They call me T-Bone - Imma steak truck
Gabriel FW Koch: Closely Night Heron 2
reipa59: Spatzendame / Sparrow Lady
(The) Appleman: 1934 Packard V12 Convertible Victoria 1108
sierrasylvan: Motion
reipa59: Unterricht / Teaching
reipa59: Kernbeißerportrait / hawfinch portrait
reipa59: Das Schachbrett / Marbled White
Gabriel FW Koch: The Reason for It
(The) Appleman: Hot Fun in the Summertime
reipa59: Mohnblume im Gerstenfeld / Poppy in a barley field
reipa59: Junge Kohlmeise / Young Great Tit
reipa59: Buntspecht Fütterung / Spotted Woodpecker Feeding
reipa59: Goldammer / Yellowhammer
reipa59: Graureiher auf Futtersuche / Grey heron foraging
reipa59: Buntspecht / Great spotted woodpecker
reipa59: Buntspecht
reipa59: Kernbeißerbesuch / Hawfinch visit
reipa59: Hunger / hungry
reipa59: Damit er groß und kräftig wird / To make it big and strong
reipa59: Sonnenaufgang am Adlerbogen / Sunrise at the eagle's bow
reipa59: Turmfalke / Kestrel
Gabriel FW Koch: Winter Surprise
Gabriel FW Koch: Redhead with Sunflower Seed
(The) Appleman: 1926 Bugatti Type 37 GP
Y-Minh: IMG_3063