blinkybot38: courts 1-studio
vladyurkov: Qualicum Beach, Vancouver Island. October 2024.
westkauai: Oceanside
below~tℎe~surface: a momentary lapse in time
michaelkorik: A Velvia Sunrise
michaelkorik: The Freaks Come Out At Night
michaelj1998: Whips and Furs
michaelkorik: Foggy Rainy Drive
pho-Tony: Iced Bunting
pho-Tony: Winter 1977-8 Field
abiseka: Bocas Del Toro, Panama
abiseka: Eurasian Highway crew waiting as their ship is lowered to enter Pacific Ocean
abiseka: Cargo ship on Pacific Ocean after crossing Panama Canal
Christopher M Hight: Mynachlog-ddu Stones
Christopher M Hight: a rock on Foel Eryr
hugo poon - one day in my life: "have a good night"
Alan Burkwood: 91109. Northbound .............
Usitu: Pinhole o estenopeica. Gavá Mar. Barcelona. Cámara Sony digital. Imagen 8 de 8. 25/12/2004
Cueilleur d'Instants: Par le trou de l'épingle
maigo: Consuegra, Spain
James Webb Space Telescope: NASA’s Webb Reveals Intricate Layers of Interstellar Dust, Gas
James Webb Space Telescope: Little Red Dots (NIRCam Image)