thomschphotography3: Eye Contact-DSC_9265
Katta of Sweden: Last dip for summer
William Jusuf: Tantrum
flow.: When I grow up...
Zborowska: meadow
SuIlKu: Rotkelchen
vriad_lee: needle felted wolf
vriad_lee: needle-felted hedgehog
NABU|naturgucker: Blaumeise (Parus caeruleus) (1), NGID133745045
NABU|naturgucker: Alpenstrandläufer , NGIDn302804627
webnfoto: 2 Sna(c)k(e)s
NABU|naturgucker: Federchen auf kl. Finger, NGIDn836003710
Johan J.Ingles-Le Nobel: Elephant Hawkmoth
Trevsbirds: Marsh Harrier
In Memoriam: markkilner: Flight of the Marsh Harrier I (composite)
jump for joy2010: A Westhay Wonder
aaluva: Circus aeroginosus
Dom Greves: Circus Circle
seapiepress: Marsh Harrier relief print
NABU|naturgucker: Rohrweihe (m) (Circus aeruginosus), NGID86461162
Langham Birder: Marsh Harrier 110608 Circus aeruginosus
Sergey Pisarevskiy: Eurasian Marsh-Harrier (Circus aeruginosus)
timz501: Marsh Harrier
Richard Nicoll: Marsh Harrier (Circus aeruginosus) male hunting in the rain
Cosme Moncho: Arpellot-Circus aeruginosus