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Sea Lions and the Marion Dufresne which brought us from the Kerguelen back to La Réunion. End of the story.
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Another Sea Lion
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A Sea Lion in Amsterdam
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Sea Lions being beaten by the ocean
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Beautiful ocean
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Flowers in Amsterdam Island
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Giant Petrel fighting for a sea elephant' carcass
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Helicopter of the spillway of a river. The marks are left by the sea elephants.
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A Giant Petrel whose wings brushes against the Austral Ocean
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This King Penguin just got out of the sea
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A juvenile Sea Elephant
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The tiny little island called "Château d'If"
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A flight of Goelands
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Philippe studies sea urchins: how will this endemic species react to global climate changes?
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A Goeland at Port-aux-Français
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A scientist retrieving an Argos tag left on a Sea Elephant for over a year
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A Cormorant landing close to its partner
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Sea Elephants
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The delivery of a brand new hut
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The zodiac brings 4 scientists for a dive in the Gulf
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A sea Elephant having a dirty bath
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Flying over the Courbet Peninsula
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Dropping a team of 4 scientists at Cap Cotter hut
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A Gentoo penguin and its chick
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Scientific inventorying Black-Browed Albatross nests
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Smoothly flying
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Grey-Headed Albatross
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Light-Mantred Albatross
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Light-Mantred Albatross
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Sea Elephant's eye