Ark-: Onírico
Ark-: Alter-Ego
Ark-: Levanta!
Ark-: Burnin'
Ark-: It's a long way
Ark-: Lovely mess up
Ark-: Personalidad
Ark-: It's Coffee Time
Ark-: You said you wanna...
Ark-: Taste it
Ark-: Detalle
Ark-: Huida
Ark-: Aprendiendo
Ark-: Primavera
Ark-: Like you
Ark-: Free Bird
Ark-: Cállate!
Ark-: Verde
Ark-: 3k
Ark-: Elegance, Smartness
Ark-: Chupa Chups
Ark-: Walkin' on Sunshine
Ark-: Unpresentable Nº1
Ark-: Come free my mind
Ark-: Twenty years old
Ark-: Queen of the Little things
Ark-: Changes Everyday
Ark-: Perfil