swarat_ghosh: rx_vz_02 explored june16,2013 #217
Shashanka Nanda: All paths lead to God
Joni Niemelä: Lupines
pallaviguha: IMG_1123
sjpadron: Low Level
⌡K: The New Age Cavalry | T-90 aka Bhishma | Indian army
|| Ramit Batra ||: The Tricolor | Commonwealth Games 2010, New Delhi. Closing Ceremony.
Ashu Mittal: We look so different when we grow up?
... Arjun: The Minaret
krazykrayons: trapped...
Patryaaa: Manikdoh Dam water.....
krazykrayons: killing me softly...
Ashu Mittal: It is not the form that dictates the color, but the color that brings out the form. Hans Hofmann
On The Abbey Road: for every drop in the sea...
Patryaaa: the Tar Road
Shashanka Nanda: that girl.... again
pure-narcotic: Christmas 2009
Jyotishko ray: Mountains and Lakes
Patryaaa: getting the perfect "X"
Patryaaa: straight
Paavani: If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change.
Extempore: Chapora Fort IV
Whirlus Windus: Coorg_August 095
Whirlus Windus: Coorg_August 090
DK Rising: We're All Mad Here...
krazykrayons: ~ song of the sparrow ~
Ashu Mittal: “Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, old Time is still a-flying. And this same flower that smiles today, tomorrow will be dying.”