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albums of Arizona Department of Transportation
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I-10 Wild Horse Pass Corridor Project $95 million grant signing event.
Truck Parking Availability Signage
SR 82 (Patagonia Highway), Morley Avenue to Royal Road Sidewalk Improvements.
Kitt Peak Guardrail Reconstruction Project.
I-10 Widening update Tucson Ruthrauff
Loop 101, 75th Ave. to I-17 Widening Project: December 2024
Loop 101, 75th Ave. to I-17 Widening Project: November 2024
Arizona Transportation Institute Announcement 11222024
SECC Day at the State Fair 2024
SECC 2024 Clay Shoot
I-17 Airport Rd Bridge 102324
Adopt a Highway Wild West Detachment Marine Corps League
Cameron Bridge 102324
Glen Canyon Dam Bridge 102324
2024 ADOT DBE & Small Business Conference
Core Civic Florence Complex 093024
National CleanUp Day 2024
David Dixon Family: 2024 Safety Message Contest.
Broadway Curve Collector Distributor Rd. Westbound Pre-Opening 081624
ADOT Kids: Keep it Grand Art Challenge 2024.
SR 88 Fish Creek Hill Boulders Removed
Final Mile Trash Clean-up
Adopt a Highway Love, life and litter-free on State Route 87
SR 347/John Wayne Parkway improvements: Lakeview Drive intersection
Adopt a Highway SR 87 Volunteer Cleanup
L101 Broadway Rd. Exit Only Configuration
Dean Lindsey Tunnel Dedication: May 7th, 2024
John Wayne Parkway Project Final Paving - April 2024
Adopt a Highway April 22, 2024
John Wayne Parkway (SR 347) - Overnight Paving Work
SR88 April 2024
16th St. Screen Wall
Snow Plow Naming Graphics 022824
I10 Orange Grove girder set
I-17 February Progress Photos
SR 80 Mule Pass Tunnel Lighting Work 021624
I-10 Kino Pkwy to Country Club PREWORK 021524
SR 88 Fish CreeK Hill Update 021324
I-10 Wild Horse Pass Corridor Gila River Indian Community
Adopt a Highway Volunteer Cleanup SR 286
Litter removal Loop 202
Proposed wildlife crossing I-17 MP 327.4
FHWA/ADOT Wildlife Crossing Grant news conference
US 93 widening update 110823
SR 347 Road Safety Assessment Interim Improvements-Riggs
SR 347 Road Safety Asssesment Interim Improvements-Maricopa
SR 347 Road Safety Assessment Interim Improvements-I-10
SR 347 Road Safety Asssessment Interim Improvements-Cemex
SR 347 Road Safety Assessment Interim Improvements-Casa Blanca
Roundabouts and Big Rigs
Janine and Gary Quinn and Family
I-17 Pavement Repair
National CleanUp Day 2023
I-17 Improvement Project Aerial Update
Larue Snow Blower Training
Yarnell SR89 Pavement Improvement
Payson Light Timing Adjustment
Sunset Point Soft Opening 062623
Prescott Litter Lifters
SR 347/Riggs Rd. Intersection 052423
I-17 Flex Lane Update 050823
I-10 and Watson Road DDI_050323
I-17 Improvements: April 2023
I-17 Mill & Fill Pavement Preservation
Loop 303 MC 85 to Van Buren St
Ready to Rubble: I-10 Broadway Curve Three Bridges Demolition 042223
I17 New River Girder Set 032323
Arizona Highway Art
All the Way to the Border_012823
Badger Springs Rd Temporary Rest Stop
IRU sponsored by GEICO
Sunset Point Construction Update 012423
US 60 Grand Ave-35th Ave-Indian School Road_012323
SR 79 Gila River Bridge Slide_011423
Construction-L303, 51st and 43rd Avenue TIs_fall 2022
Construction-L303, 51st and 43rd Avenue TIs_summer 2022
L101 Shea to SR51
Adopt a Highway: Starlight Pines HOA Volunteer Photos, 1990 - 2022
National Clean up Day_2022
L303 future 43rd Ave to 51st Ave interchanges
Miller Road DDI Opens 8/22/22
I-10 Miller to Verrado Update
SR 79 Gila River Bridge Aerials 081822
Casa Grande RR Underpass-SR 84_081622
SR 347 and Maricopa Road_081622
SR 24 Ellsworth-Ironwood Opens_081222
Lindsay Road Interchange Project
SR 24 Ellsworth Rd to Ironwood Dr Pre-Opening 080222
2022 Safety Message Winner Lisa Hayes
2022 Safety Message Winner Kristen Brown
US 60 Queen Creek Bridges_062822
Pinto Creek Bridge - US 60_062822
202/Val Vista Corridor Widening Project
Road Condition Photo Vehicle
EV and Charging Station_May 2022
I-10 Verrado Way to SR 85 paving work_5.12.22
US 60 Tempe Water Line Break at McClintock Dr
Construction Progress: I-10 Broadway Curve Improvement Project
Prescott Litter Lifters, March 2022.
I-10 Verrado to SR 85 Widening Project_031422
Landform Graphics, Artwork and Vegetation_031522
SR 189 Ribbon Cutting_031122
SR 189_031022
Pumphouse Wash Bridge-SR 89A_021722
SR 89A Rockfall Remediation 021722
Litter Clean Up at the Mini Stack_020922
SR 286 All the Way to the Border Cleanup Event
SR 24 S. Mountain - Meridian 01242022
Loop 303 - Jomax Parkway Interchange and Beardsley Canal bridge January 2022
ADOT Trash- Central District
Loop 101 Pima completed elements
Historic Cienega Bridge
Loop 303 and Jomax Parkway Traffic Interchange
I-17 Widening and Flex Lane Corridor_102121
Behind the scenes at the Broadway Curve chess shoot
I-17 Widening and Flex Lane Corridor_091521
I-10 Houghton Rd. 083121
I-10 Ruthrauff Rd. 083121
US 60 and Pinto Creek Bridge_082621
I-17 and Central Avenue Deck Pour_081321
I-10 Verrado Improvements
I-10 Broadway Curve
Keams Canyon Boulder Removal (July 2021)
Central Avenue Bridge Replacement Project-June 2021
SR 189 and I-19 Project Update_062421
Rio de Flag Bridge Replacement-After_062121
Rio de Flag Bridge Replacement-Before_061021
HAWK-West and Dortha Flagstaff_061021
Adopt a Highway Memorial Day 2021 Blog
Loop 303 and Jomax Rd Girder Set 050621
February 2021 Central Avenue Bridge Construction Project
Fairbanks Middle School-Morenci Trash Pickup_041021
US 60 - Pinto Creek_040621
SR 189 and I-19_032921
SR 24 Construction-2021
I-10 and Houghton_032321
I-10 and Ruthrauff Rd Update 032321
I-10 and SR 90 Traffic Interchange_031021
Payson Litter Roundup 022421
Deck Park Tunnel LED Lighting Replacement
Flagstaff Snow Plows_012621
SR 24 Interim Phase II: Ellsworth Road to Ironwood Drive project.
SR 189 and I-19 Project (January 2021)
I-10 and Ruthrauff_121820
I-10 and Houghton_121820
US 60 Pinto Creek Bridge_121820
South Mountain Freeway Shared-Use Path Opens
I-17 and Happy Valley Road DDI-Drone_120820
2020 ADOT Highlights
I-17 Happy Valley Road Diverging Diamond Interchange Opens
I-17 and Pinnacle Peak Road Opens
Loop 101 Pima Construction Update 111820
Loop 101 Pima Freeway Artwork
Loop 202 SMF 32nd St. Ramp Construction Aerials 102620
ADOT Covid Saliva Testing_110520
I-17 Drainage Project (October 2020)
I-17 and Central Avenue Girder Placement 103120
Loop 202 Shared-use Path
SR 189 and I-19_100720
I-40 and 4th Street Bridge Grand opening_101920
September 2020 Central Avenue Bridge Replacement Project
I-17 and Pinnacle Peak Road_100220
I-17 and Happy Valley Road (100620)
I-10 and Ruthrauff Deckpour (October 2020)
I-10 and Fairway Drive_092420
L101 Price Freeway Diamond Grind_082520
L101 Price Freeway (October 2020)
I-10 and Ruthrauff (081820)
SR 189 and I-19 (080420)
I-40 and Two Guns (July 2020)
US 180 Jim Camp Wash (July 2020)
I-40 4th St. Bridge Slide 072220
I-17 Central Avenue Bridge Replacement Project_071120
US 60 Pinto Creek Bridge_070720
ADOT (Arizona Highway Department) Archives: Highways Pre-1950
ADOT (Arizona Highway Department) Archives: Highways 1950-1969
ADOT Archives: Highways 1970-2020
I-17 and Pinnacle Peak Road_061920
I-17 and Happy Valley Road_061920
I-17 and Central Avenue (May 2020)
I-10 and Houghton_051220
I-10 and Ruthrauff Road_051220
I-19 and Ajo Way_051220
L202 Santan Freeway Diamond Grind (May 2019)
Fairway Drive Deck Construction 040920
I-10 WB 27th Ave - 43rd Ave New Lane
I-17 and Happy Valley Road_040720
I-17 Christensen Rest Area_040320
I-40 Parks Rest Area_040320
Ruthrauff Rd Bridge Demo 032420
L101 Price Freeway
SR 189 Groundbreaking_030420
Incidence Response Unit Sponsorship_022120
Ehrenberg Port of Entry_021920
Flagstaff MVD Grand Opening_021420
Adopt a Highway - 286 All the Way to the Border_012520
I-19 Ajo Way Pedestrian Bridge_011720
Eastbound Deck Park Tunnel Cleaning_011020
I-17 and Pinnacle Peak Road Construction_010920
MVD-District office Flagstaff_010920
L202 South Mountain Freeway_122319
Loop 202 South Mountain Freeway Dedication 1211819
L202 South Mountain Freeway-Drone Photos_121619
Welcome to Arizona Sign Unveiling_121119
L202 South Mountain Freeway signs_110419
US 60-Pinto Creek Bridge_111919
I-17 Pinnacle Peak Bridge Demolition
I-10 Dust Detection Measures_051220
Wrong Way Signs (October 2019)
Construcion Academy-Camp Verde
Loop 101: Miller Road & 7th Street Overpass
I-17 Improvements Governor Press Conference
National Clean Up Day-AAH_092119
SR 347 and Riggs Road 55 mph signage_091719
Loop 101 Widening 091019
I-40 and Meteor City_090519
I-10 and SR 87 Old Bridge Demolition
I-10 Jimmie Kerr Bridge Completion 082219
I-40 Meteor City Bridge_081619
ADOT Recognizes SRP Water Truck Employees_081319
US 60 Rose Mofford Memorial Highway Signs_08
Adopt a Highway-Fain Road_072519
I-40 and Meteor City Bridge_071819
SR 347 Bridge over Union Pacific Railroad-Maricopa_071319
SR 347 Bridge Ribbon Cutting_071319
SR 347 Bridge in Maricopa opens to traffic_071519
I-17 and Pinnacle Peak Road_070119
I-17 and Happy Valley Road_070119
I-17 and Happy Valley Road_062119
I-17 and Pinnacle Peak Road_062119
Grand Canyon Airport Firefighter Training
US 191
I-11 Public Hearing_050119
I-17 - Happy Valley and Pinnacle Peak_052219
I-17 and Happy Valley Road-Drone (March 2019)
I-17 and Happy Valley Road-Drome (March 2019)
I-17 and Pinnacle Peak Road-Drone (April 2019)
I-17 and Pinnacle Peak Road-Drone (March 2019)
I-17 Happy Valley and Pinnacle Peak (May 2019)
I-17 and Happy Valley Road-Drone (April 2019)
I-17 and Pinnacle Peak Road-Drone (May 2019)
I-17 and Happy Valley Road-Drone (May 2019)
Mobile MVD_043019
I-10 and SR 87 Drone_041819
I-10 and Jimmie Kerr_041819
I-10 and Ina Road_041819
Indian School Road and US 60 (35th Ave_032519
I-17 and Pinnacle Peak Road_032019
I-17 and Happy Valley Road_032019
Grand Canyon Centennial Signs_031319
ADOT EIT ASU Career Fair_022019
I-17 and Indian School Road VR_022219
ADOT Most Viewed Photos
Wrong Way Driver DMS_071418
SR 88 Apache Trail-Drone_110219
I-10 and SR 87-Drone_011719
SMF-Salt River Bridges-Drone_012319
I-10 and Ina Road-Drone_020119
SR 347-Drone_020119
SR 347 Improvements_020119
I-10 and SR 87_020119
I-10 and Jimmie Kerr Boulevard_020119
I-10 and Ina Road_020119
Adopt A Highway
South Mountain Freeway - Salt River Bridges January 2019
I-10 and SR 87_011619
I-10 and Jimmie Kerr_011619
I-10, Earley Road to I-8 Deck Pour_121218
I-10 and SR 87-Drone_112618
South Mountain Freeway Estrella Drive-Drone_110118
SR 88 Apache Trail-Drone_110218
Pinto Creek Bridge US 60-Drone_111318
I-10 and SR 87-Drone_120718
I-10 Earley Rd to I-8 improvement project (December 2018)
I-10 and SR 87 Improvement Project (December 2018)
Adopt a Highway - Communications Team
Pinto Creek Bridge - US 60 (October 2018)
Sacaton Rest Area Open (November 2018)
State Route 88 Improvements (November 2018)
South Mountain Freeway: Estrella Drive Roundabout Opens 11 01 2018
Grand Canyon Airport
Repairing US 89
I-10 and SR 87 Improvements(September 2018)
I-17/Willard Springs Rd (September 2018)
South Mountain Freeway - Paving Activities 2018
SR 347 at Union Pacific Railroad
I-10 Earley Rd to I-8 improvement project (July 2018)
I-10/SR 87 Improvement Project (July 2018)
South Mountain Freeway - Pecos Segment Soundwalls - July 2018
L303 - SR30 Public Hearing_062718
I-10/SR 87 Improvements: Girder Installation (June 2018)
ADOT Pump Station Trash Removal (May 2018)
I-10 SR 87 Improvements (May 2018)
SR 88 Pavement Preservation (May 2018)
South Mountain Freeway: Salt River Bridges - April 2018
South Mountain Freeway: Elliot Road Reopening - May 2018
South Mountain Freeway: Southern Avenue Reopening
South Mountain Freeway: Top 20 Photos
South Mountain Freeway: 40th Street Bridge Painting - February 2018
I-10 and Ina Road Improvements (Feb 2018)
US 70/Bylas Improvements
South Mountain Freeway: Southern Avenue Bridge Construction - November 2017
South Mountain Freeway: Night Dirt Hauls - December 2017
South Mountain Freeway: 40th St. Bridge Deck Pour - November 2017
I-10/SR 87 Improvements (February 2018)
I-10/SR 87 Improvements (February 2018)
Fog Seal Pavement Preservation
Reverse Diamond Stencil
Snow in Arizona
2017 Veterans Recognition Day
South Mountain Freeway: Sound Wall Construction
South Mountain Freeway: Outreach Events - Transportation YOU Tour - August 2017
South Mountain Freeway: Chuckwalla Relocation - August 2017
I-17 Sunset Point Rest Area
I-17 McGuireville Rest Area (091917)
I-40 paving Parks to Riordan
I-40 Devil Dog to Williams
South Mountain Freeway: Salt River Bridge Construction - September 2017
South Mountain Freeway: Salt River Earthwork
Ina Road Santa Cruz Bridge and I-10 TI_082317
South Mountain Freeway: I-10 Straddle Bent Construction (Aug. 2017)
South Mountain Freeway: I-10 Papago Straddle Bent Construction
ADOT - Korea Reciprocal Driver License Program_062717
Historic US 66
Route 66 Specialty Plate 2017
South Mountain Freeway: Salt River Bridges (May 2017)
Ina Road-Santa Cruz Bridge_050917
Ina Road/I-10 Traffic Interchange_050917
South Mountain Freeway: 17th Avenue MSE Walls
South Mountain Freeway: Outreach Events - Laveen Pit BBQ (February 2017)
South Mountain Freeway: Outreach Events - Avondale Tale of Two Cities (February 2017)
South Mountain Freeway: Interim Pecos Road - Paving (April 2017)
South Mountain Freeway: Interim Pecos Road - Compaction (March 2017)
South Mountain Freeway: I-10 Bridge Piers (April/May 2017)
South Mountain Freeway: Aesthetic Artwork Mockups (May 2017)
Topock POE 041917
Ehrenberg POE 071816
Kingman POE_101912
Douglas POE_110916
San Luis Port of Entry
Nogales Port of Entry_030817
Accelerated Bridge Construction - Sacramento Wash
South Mountain Freeway: Salt River Bridge Foundations (February 2017)
South Mountain Freeway: Plant Salvage & Nursery (November 2016)
South Mountain Freeway: I-10 Weekend Closure (February 2017)
South Mountain Freeway: I-10 Papago - Ultility Relocation (January 2017)
South Mountain Freeway: I-10 Maricopa L-202 Santan Interchange - Paving (December 2016)
South Mountain Freeway: 17th Avenue and 24th Street - Bridge Foundations (February 2017)
South Mountain Freeway: 17th Avenue - Grading (February 2017)
Ina Road-Santa Cruz Bridge_030917
Ina Road/I-10 Traffic Interchange_030917
Bell and Grand Off Ramps_021617
Bell Road and Grand Avenue (US 60)_060316
Bell and Grand_112216
Wesley Bolin Plaza_111016
Progression of Bell Road and Grand Ave Interchange
Bell and Grand (US 60)_110716
Bell Road and Grand Ave (US 60) 092716
SR 89 Hell Canyon Bridge (old bridge demolition Sept. 2016)
Bell and Grand (US 60)_091516
US 89 Cameron Roadway Improvements (final walk through)
Bell and Grand (US 60) Aerials_September 2016
Bell and Grand (US 60)_082416
SR 89 Hell Canyon Bridge (August 2016)
Bell and Grand (US 60)_080816
Pump House I-17 and Indian School Rd.
Bell and Grand (US 60)_072716
Ehrenberg Port of Entry
Bell and Grand (US 60)_070516
Bug Creek Fire along I-17
Bell and Grand (US 60)_061616
Bell and Grand (US 60)_060316
Bell and Grand (US 60)_052516
I-15 Bridge 6 Reconstruction (May 2016)
US 89 Cameron Roadway Improvements (May 2016)
Bell and Grand (US 60) Improvement Project_042116
SR 89 Hell Canyon Bridge (April 2016)
Oracle Road (SR 77)
US Bicycle Route 90
US 60 Silver King Project
SR 89 Hell Canyon Bridge (February 2016)
ADOT TowPlow (February 2016)
I-10 Quads Project (January 2016)
Queen Creek Tunnel
US 60 Improvement Project_122215
Waterfall Canyon Bridge Repairs_121715
SR 89 Hell Canyon Bridge (Nov. 2015)
Tombstone SR 80 Enhancement Project (Oct. 2105)
L101 (Pima) Aerial Photos_080315
Yesterday and Today
L101 (Pima)_101515
SR 189 Mariposa Point of Entry (Oct. 2015)
SR 89 Hell Canyon Bridge (Sept. 2015)
Tombstone SR 80 Enhancement Project (August 2015)
House Rock Flood Repair_US89A
Deck Park Tunnel-After construction
Constructing the Deck Park Tunnel
Opening Day
Deck Park Tunnel Drainage System
SR 89 Hell Canyon Bridge (July 2015)
L101-Pima Aerial Photos (June 2015)
I-15 Bridge 6 Deck Pour (June 1, 2015)
I-15 Bridge 6 Reconstruction (May 2015)
SR 89A Bank Protection (May 12, 2015)
SR 89A Bank Protection (May 4, 2015)
US 89 Cameron Improvements (May 2015)
Loop 202 Red Mountain_April 2015
SR 89 Hell Canyon Bridge
US 89 Landslide Repaired and Open (March 27, 2015)
US 89 Cameron Improvements (March 2015)
US 89 Landslide Repair Complete (March 2015)
I-17 Runaway Truck Ramps
SR 87 Runaway Truck Ramp
US 89 Landslide Repair (March 2015)
L101 and 90th Street_030215
L101 and 90th Street_022815
L101 and 90th Street_022315
US 89 Cameron Improvements (February 2015)
US 89 Landslide Repair (February 2015)
SR 89A Sinkhole Closure
US 89 Landslide Repair (January 2015)
I-15 Bridge 6 Reconstruction (January 2015)
I-15 Bridge 6 Reconstruction (December 2014)
US 89 Landslide Repair (December 2014)
US 89 Cameron Improvements (December 2014)
I-17 Mystery Tree 2014
I-15 Bridge 6 Reconstruction (November 2014)
US 89 Landslide Repair (November 2014)
US 89 Cameron Roadway Improvements (November 2014)
US 89 Cameron Roadway Improvements (October 2014)
I-15 Bridge 6 Reconstruction (October 2014)
SR 89A/Fort Tuthill Improvement Project
I-15 Virgin River Bridge #1
US 89 Landslide Repair (October 2014)
L101-Pima Freeway_101814
I-15 Bridge 6 Reconstruction (Sept. 2014)
US 89 Landslide Repair (Sept. 2014)
US 89 Cameron Roadway Improvements (Sept. 2014)
L101 Pima Freeway Construction-August 2014
I-15 Bridge 6 Reconstruction (August 2014)
Flooding and Mud slides_081914
L303 / I-10 TI Open House_081614
US 89 Landslide Repair (August 2014)
L303 and I-10 Traffic Interchange nears completion
I-17 Fatal Tanker Rollover 08-01-14
US 89 Landslide Repair (July 2014)
SR 89A Improvements Oak Creek Canyon
US 89 Cameron Roadway Improvements (July 2014)
I-15 Bridge 6 Contractor Photos
I-15 Bridge 6 Reconstruction (June 2014)
US 89 Cameron Roadway Improvements (June 2014)
ADOT's "Name The Ringtail" contest is over. The winning name? "Rocky".
I-17 Closure (June 26, 2014)
Larger Wrong Way signage and pavement markings
SR 89A re-opens early after repair work
Safe Phone Zone Launch (June 2014)
One Less Spark, One Less Wildfire
Prince Road (May 2014)
"Wrong Way" Markers
GEICO sponsors AZ rest areas
Sign Replacement on I-10 at the 12th Street Overpass
US 60 (Grand Avenue) and Bell Road Public Hearing_043014
I-15 Bridge 7 Deck Pour
I-10 Bridge over Perryville Road Demolition_042314
Leadership Forum 2014
L303 and I-10 Traffic Interchange (April 2014)
SR 24 Ribbon cutting (April 2014)
SR 24 and L202 Traffic Interchange (May 2013)
Loop 303-Aerials (August 2013)
Loop 303 and I-10 Traffic Interchange (November 2013)
Loop 303 and I-10 Traffic Interchange (July 2013)
Loop 303 and I-10 Traffic Interchange (March 2014)
Cotton Lane Bridge Demolition (August 2013)
Paving on L303 (April 2013)
Loop 303 and I-10 Traffic Interchange (May 2013)
Sarival Bridge Demolition (September 2013)
Loop 303 and I-10 Traffic Interchange (June 2012)
L101 and Maryland Ave HOV Ramps Now Open
L101 Maryland Ave HOV Ramps Ribbon Cutting_032814
I-17 Elk Fence
I-15 Bridge 6
I-15 Bridge 3 rehabilitation (March 2014)
US 89 Cameron Roadway Improvements (March 2014)
US 93 Wildlife Bridge_032114
I-15 Bridge 7 hydro-demolition (March 2014)
Guardrail repair along SR 74 near I-17_032514
Pedestrian Bridge-L101 and 63rd Ave
SR 89A Improvements
L303 & I-10 Traffic Interchange (March 2014)
SR 86 Wildlife Underpass
Chevelon Creek Bridge - After (Jan 2014)
Chevelon Creek Bridge Concrete Deck Pour (Dec 2013)
Jacking Up The Chevelon Creek Bridge (Oct 2013)
Lead Abatement-Chevelon Creek Bridge (Sept 2013)
Chevelon Creek Bridge - Before (Aug 2013)
Loop 101 Maryland Ave HOV Ramps Under Construction (February 2014)
US 89 Landslide (Feb. 2013)
US 89 Geotechnical Investigation
US 89 Detour and Closures
US 89 Emergency Access Road