arifaqmal: P1017743 LR5 Flower of the Roselle plant (Hibiscus Sabdariffa) in my garden
arifaqmal: P4166586 LR4 Remembering Max - When Max was 1½ months old
arifaqmal: PC257638 LR5 Bell-shaped Solandra Grandiflora in bright early morning light
arifaqmal: P7027411 LR4 A year has since passed when you left us! We still miss you, Max
arifaqmal: P7027426 LR5 Max, you are sweet, gentle and so lovely
arifaqmal: P7027423 LR5 Our sweet 4-month old Max
arifaqmal: P7027380 LR4 4-month old Max at ease with a clothes hanger
arifaqmal: P7027432 LR4 4-month old Max
arifaqmal: P1083801 LR4 Leaves of 'Leucaena Leucocephala' (Petai Belalang) tree
arifaqmal: P6307361 LR4 Amaryllis Lily (Hippeastrum hybrid) after a drizzle
arifaqmal: P5126998 LR4 Max (2½ months old) in Monochrome
arifaqmal: P5126994BW LR4 Max (2½ months old) in Monochrome
arifaqmal: P6147328 LR4 3½-month old Max
arifaqmal: P1083800 LR2 Emerging from among tall blady grass (Imperata cylindrica)
arifaqmal: P6077294 LR4 (Yellow Canna) Unfolding its petals on a bright sunny morning
arifaqmal: P6147326 LR4 3½-month old Max
arifaqmal: P6147311 LR4 Max is 3½ months old today
arifaqmal: P5127027 LR4 How do I look with my feet folded?
arifaqmal: P6077302 LR4 A week-old Heliconia Psittacorum in my garden
arifaqmal: P5247150 LR4-2 My garden's lovely beauties
arifaqmal: P5127026 LR4 Do I have to keep looking at the camera?
arifaqmal: P5257285 LR4 Flower of the 'Dragon Fruit' (Hylocereus) tree
arifaqmal: P5257264 LR4 Flower of the 'Dragon Fruit' (Hylocereus) tree
arifaqmal: P5257248 LR4 Flower of the 'Dragon Fruit' (Hylocereus) tree
arifaqmal: P5247223 LR4 Max's one-year old chubby-faced cousin, Tommy
arifaqmal: P5197133 LR4 Among ingredients carefully chosen for tonight's cooking
arifaqmal: P8182124 LR4 Pink Rain Lily - A dazzling beauty!
arifaqmal: P2060184 LR4 White Rain Lily - Still attractive and elegant in the evening
arifaqmal: P1083812 LR4 Imperata Cylindrica (Blady grass, Cogon grass) flowers
arifaqmal: P6084449 LR4 (Morning Glory) Perfectly lit by the early morning sun