Mark Papke: High Falls Rochester
Adventure George: 06 Java's Cafe - Side Room
IAMLESHER Photography: ML-2014-02-58014.jpg
VdlMrc: Frederick Douglass–Susan B. Anthony Memorial Bridge, Rochester, NY
roken-roliko: Rochester, New York
jpetralia: High Falls
theothermonalisa slowed down with the new: Mt Hope and Elmwood sunset
-dangler: Train Deer
KmSalvatore: Upper Falls, Rochester, New York....................must be sunday.... thank you again EXPLORE #22
randommusings: six word stories
IrenaS: Serenity Now
Vintage Racer: Hood Canal March 09 IMGP6051
create1212: Cabin Weekend Hood Canal, WA
YumaniK: Hood Canal
alexis mire: 272/365
alexis mire: Elise 291/365