Taly Blogger: London Street ✨
Riot Mainstore: Makayla Denim Jacket
Igi SL: You will be always my angel...
Effy Nova: Reverie
Dongosama: Isolement
monty.ralior: My partner in crime forever!
Fashion Blogger On Secondlife: 📷 L' Amour et la Passion
O M Y: Womens "Allure" Slow Dance HUD @ Santa Inc
tabbyschnyder: The Wine
Umazuma Metaluna - [theSkinnery]: [theSkinnery] for Fifty Lindens Fridays
Umazuma Metaluna - [theSkinnery]: [theSkinnery] for Fifty Lindens Fridays
Lawrence D. Pryce: | H.E.R. |
Ƈαт: ♥..
S o r c h a: Remember.
AvaGardner Kungler: KUNGLERS - Reba necklace
Toast Bard - (fashionably dead): (fd) Group Gift - Cozy Minimalist Set
Aida Ewing: Marion
morganmonroe1: absence . . .
river ichibara: mentre_il_mondo_cade_a_pezzi
morganmonroe1: Happy New Year. . . ♥
Mya A.: "Endless thoughts and questions keep me awake..."
ILuvWhiteRoses: Ni Yao De Ai 💕