ArelC: Finding focus
ArelC: OK!
ArelC: The defense lines up
ArelC: Savoring a brother's cooking
ArelC: IMG_20150421_163447
ArelC: Don't put out my float
ArelC: Smaller than usual Clayton
ArelC: Afternoon at Fort Funston
ArelC: Groupmuse concert of Dvorák
ArelC: New Photo Booth at Flickr
ArelC: Reading into clouds
ArelC: Abyssinian banana tree?
ArelC: Spiral impression
ArelC: Five
ArelC: Child on shoulders
ArelC: Ice bucket challenge
ArelC: Capturing a gait
ArelC: Deer in meadow
ArelC: Ruinous Stairs
ArelC: Sky between
ArelC: Throw
ArelC: Fives
ArelC: Freeze, squirt!
ArelC: In the head of a panda
ArelC: Walkway
ArelC: Winding down