Wade Bryant: CDSC_1198
Darrell Colby " You Call The Shots ": Full View Niagara Falls
Darrell Colby " You Call The Shots ": Heron Shoreline Landing
[ raymond ]: Hummingbird
[ raymond ]: Flight of the Hummingbirds
[ raymond ]: Hummingbirds
Quiet Storm!: DSC_6513B
Punk Dolphin: _DSF5078
Wade Bryant: Gordy International Bridge
[ raymond ]: MoonLake
[ raymond ]: Van Life
Thad Roan - Bridgepix: Fowler House Mansion - Lafayette, Indiana
Carrie Hittel: Late Afternoon in the Cemetery
[ raymond ]: New Mexico Sunset
Wade Bryant: AD75_2086
Wade Bryant: BD75_2120
Wade Bryant: AD75_2116
[ raymond ]: New Mexico
Punk Dolphin: _DSF9430
Wade Bryant: ACeDSC_6378ec
Wade Bryant: ADSC_6372
gabi porter: Julio Cabrera
ricepeter: Garden and Sky