Archithomas: DSC_0025_739
Archithomas: DSC_0017_731
Archithomas: DSC_0014_728
Archithomas: IMG_7496
Archithomas: IMG_7498
Archithomas: IMG_7556
Archithomas: IMG_7541
Archithomas: IMG_7538
Archithomas: IMG_7535
Archithomas: IMG_7524
Archithomas: classic peek-a-boo at its finest
Archithomas: sam playing at gramma's
Archithomas: Devious
Archithomas: Libby and Grey
Archithomas: pants a pullin
Archithomas: Sam and Grey
Archithomas: Grey Surveying
Archithomas: uh...what?
Archithomas: Grey still wondering what that is in font of Poppa's face
Archithomas: oh so moist
Archithomas: destruction terror and mayhem
Archithomas: new daylighting scheme
Archithomas: behind the green door
Archithomas: gimee that
Archithomas: GIMME THAT
Archithomas: Grey 1, Bear 0
Archithomas: big smile
Archithomas: negotiations
Archithomas: Ren. Park
Archithomas: Taking a break