Alisa Andrei: génesis
Ming - chun ( very busy ): in Taiwan Taichung . 台灣台中 . 光‧奔馳 DSC_0187
flatworldsedge: Super String Theory (Light Painting), Mill End
ARCH.SỬ HÀ: Butterfly
osvaldoeaf: Self-Portraited...and Published
UnprobableView: The liquid nature of glass
rockke l khoa l VietNamCFDgroup: Ôm trọn mặt trời
Pete Marsden: Smokey Reflection
HoangtheNhiem: Drying fishing net
HoangtheNhiem: Drying the fishing net-Camau VietNam
kenny barker: DAWN CHASING(BOKEH)
Kamoteus (A New Beginning): If you want a love message to be heard, it has got to be sent out. To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it.
Kerstin Hellstrom: Spring Colors
Kerstin Hellstrom: Color at Ground Level
Kerstin Hellstrom: Life on a Tree Stump
Ming - chun ( very busy ): Taichung Power Plant Wharf 台中火力發電廠卸煤碼頭 DSC_1211
Ming - chun ( very busy ): 高美濕地落日 DSC_0761
Ming - chun ( very busy ): 高美濕地落日 DSC_0741
Alisa Andrei: Thirst
nans0410(busy): 一抹紅妝
Ming - chun ( very busy ): in Taiwan Taichung . 台灣台中 . sunset 高美濕地日落 DSC_0760
JayCaps: Are those bokehs my brothers?!?
Dennis_F: burning skies
~~~johnny~~~: STICKING UP
banggia03k4: Ảnh cưới Vân Đồn (RIO studio)