a15t1llus: curl acrctruchet
a15t1llus: zoom of "rings2-juliascope-julian-hypertile"
a15t1llus: erf-juliascope-julian
a15t1llus: rings2-juliascope-julian-hypertile
a15t1llus: hypertile-3D-thing
a15t1llus: brad-s-tweak8
a15t1llus: Further tweak of fractal uploaded a few days ago (original, credit Brad Stefanov)
a15t1llus: brad-s-tweak4
a15t1llus: brad-s-tweak7
a15t1llus: ProteusVIII
a15t1llus: ProteusVII
a15t1llus: Hypertile with various combinations
a15t1llus: Hypertile with various combinations
a15t1llus: Hypertile with various combinations
a15t1llus: Hypertile with various combinations
a15t1llus: Hypertile with various combinations
a15t1llus: Hypertile with various combinations
a15t1llus: Glynnsim3-Subflame/Hypertile
a15t1llus: I Dream of Wires
a15t1llus: Colorscale pillows
a15t1llus: I see stars
a15t1llus: Order
a15t1llus: Confusion
a15t1llus: One Ring To Rule Them All
a15t1llus: Worlds Within Worlds
a15t1llus: Glynnsim3-1
a15t1llus: Roots
a15t1llus: Glynnsim3-2
a15t1llus: Glynnsim3 sans rings...