apsies: We're texting while sitting next to each other. This is a very important sibling bonding activity.
apsies: She's so patient and polite while we eat.
apsies: Even more exciting than the teaching certificate. Insurance!
apsies: Nice headscarf.
apsies: No, you didn't remember that you hadn't yet called in your dad's prescriptions until after you'd already waited in line for-ev-er. Sheesh...
apsies: Essie's A Crewed Interest. Pink seemed like a nice pick me up color to counteract an otherwise awful day.
apsies: Popcorn, fluffy robe, and the Golden Globes. If Sunday nights must exist they should all be like this one.
apsies: A guy on a horse in the front yard. Incredibly random? Yes.
apsies: Before and after. I was so tired of the ridiculous Hawaiian luau print.
apsies: My desk begins the day neat and orderly, I promise.
apsies: Can we discuss how this is the greatest version of Stand By Me of all time? Because it is.
apsies: @cassiesartin, you are pretty much the best/sweetest ever. Thank you! This was wonderful mail to find when I came home.
apsies: Last stack to grade!
apsies: I've got coffee, my favorite pens, and anxiety. Ready to grade all the things!
apsies: A big box for such a thin calendar. (Yes, bought it again.)
apsies: Essie's Dive Bar. First polish I've worn in weeks.
apsies: All those McDonald's Beanie Babies I collected in like 1997 have really come in handy as dog toys. The cheetah is her new baby.
apsies: Voila!
apsies: Messed up the poster I'm working on...TWICE. Ugh.
apsies: I bought a printer yesterday and a binder for master copies. Now I'm just printing all the things.
apsies: Pinterest + printing classroom stuff = my life now. (Love it!)
apsies: Bought a 3 hole punch for various organizational projects I have going on tonight and I can't figure out how to unlock it. Feeling super smart, obvs.
apsies: Stop me. Stop me right now.
apsies: Live instagramming my errand running.
apsies: I've got cabin fever. I'm, gasp, ready to go back to work.
apsies: Two cuts of steaks for health, or wealth, or something. All I know is we hate corned beef so we're improvising. Happy New Year!
apsies: Spending New Year's Eve dyeing and playing with my hair. Next I'll paint my nails. Probably be asleep by 12:10...
apsies: I'm going to miss this tree.
apsies: The good news is if this goes horribly wrong (it won't) I have a whole week to fix it before I have to work again. (And don't worry, it won't be that platinum on my head.)