__april: DSC_0982
__april: DONE!
__april: First sheet in progress...
__april: crown
__april: Hath No Envy
__april: Captain America sketch
__april: tiger roses
__april: Sharpie sketch for a new canvas painting
__april: cherry blossoms
__april: WIP
__april: Moths and Lamp
__april: That Girl Posessed
__april: Maneki Neko
__april: Bored waiting for the bus...
__april: white tiger full
__april: My Star Wars art in the shop :)
__april: snake finished
__april: owl sketch
__april: orange rose
__april: deceptacon
__april: 264238_1895847358419_1308641394_31742182_1964897_n
__april: crab claw
__april: Take Me Home
__april: skull oil finished
__april: spray can
__april: Ivalice