Hellang: IMG_4017F
Hellang: Short-eared Owl
Hellang: Hunting Peregrine
Hellang: Cuckoo
www.studebakerstudio.com: Yellow-rumped Warbler and Reeds
www.studebakerstudio.com: Aurora Borealis, Spruce, and the Brooks Range
www.studebakerstudio.com: Eagles in heavy snowfall
www.studebakerstudio.com: Pallid Bat Translucence (Antrozous pallidus)
www.studebakerstudio.com: Lake Hope Prothonotary Warbler
www.studebakerstudio.com: Tufted Puffin banking
Frode Jacobsen: Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis fuertesi)
Frode Jacobsen: Orange-crowned Warbler (Oreothlypis celata)
www.studebakerstudio.com: Where Phalaropes Come From
www.studebakerstudio.com: King Eider in Flight
www.studebakerstudio.com: 12-6 Merry Christmas
www.studebakerstudio.com: 2016 Florida Site Guide update
Nigel Blake, 20 MILLION views! Many thanks!: Barn Owl, Tyto alba in flight
Zoltán Győri: Sparkling
www.studebakerstudio.com: Aurora Borealis
www.studebakerstudio.com: Bear Cub Eating Glaucous Gull
www.studebakerstudio.com: Thick-billed Murre
Frode Jacobsen: Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus)
Frode Jacobsen: Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (Tyrannus forficatus)
Frode Jacobsen: Goatweed Leafwing (Anaea andria)
Frode Jacobsen: Whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus hudsonicus)
Frode Jacobsen: Spotted Towhee (Pipilo maculatus)
priscilatphotography: The Victrola Record Player 1906