kivajo: PITpuppies
mytat_2s: Cherry blossoms tattoo
thespeak: path
thespeak: cracks
*Starbuck*: Pugalicious
areacode: larger than life
*Starbuck*: "She was through making out with Ian. He was never going to change."
janet little jeffers: Crackle Flame
outabounds: no trespassing
through-pan*flashing: yeah, I'm addicted to tattoos
shetha: Mr Iredale, I presume?
amee16: p_00017
shetha: Adventurous escapees
manyfires: the blustery day
giovannirodente: Copenhagen Sunset
lycher: IMG_2748
giovannirodente: Cloisters
Farnooshtango: Pincha Mayurasana
thespeak: elizabeth lake
giovannirodente: Under the Bridge
s_p_a_c_e_m_a_n: L'Pug Enfant
tatslow: IMG_0405
mishi2x: Snug Pug
RyderArts: monty up close
toniomodio: Shanti town
Michelle Souliere: piece #3